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Female Faculty-Student Mixer

Fall, Winter, Summer
  • Female Faculty Mixer

  • Time Frame:  Tri-annually (once in Fall, Winter, Summer each)

  • Description:  A gathering of University of Michigan’s female engineering faculty, and GradSWE members over a delightful lunch. This event aims to bring our members (who are all graduate students) and female faculty closer together while discussing research, graduate school, academia, industry, and sharing advice/stories. This is one of our most highly attended events.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  Varies, around $200-$600

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Speaker, Catering

Corporate Info Sessions

  • Corporate Info-sessions

  • Time Frame:  All year

  • Description:  Interested in getting to know dedicated, intelligent engineers? GradSWE members are some of the finest engineers around. Info-sessions are a great way to increase visibility for the company, as well as to gauge interest in the graduate students in potential jobs.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $200+

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Speaker, Catering

Engineering PhD or MSE Company Recruitment

  • Engineering Ph.D or M.S.E Company Recruitment

  • Time Frame:  All year

  • Description:  Looking to specifically hire graduate students? A formal recruitment event can be organized to introduce graduate students who are looking for industry jobs to your recruiter.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $200+

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Catering

Outreach Activities

  • Outreach Activities

  • Time Frame:  All year

  • Description:  Throughout the year, many outreach activities for the local community are held. Fun activities like building telescopes are used to introduce engineering to young kids in elementary to high school. GradSWE is also connected to the local Girl Scouts of America. Some activities that are being planned for the upcoming year include Adopt-A-Park for Ann Arbor, working with the Huron Valley Humane Society, and more.  

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  Varies, depends on activity, venue, and number of persons involved

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Food, Materials for Activities, Chartered Transportation, et



Dear Corporate Representative,


The Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (UM) is proud to support women in engineering as innovative leaders in science and community, as well as a bridge between industry and academia. We thank you for your interest in GradSWE, and would like to take this opportunity to build a lasting relationship between our organizations.


GradSWE at UM is separate from the undergraduate Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in our day to day operations; we organize and host events specifically catered to graduate students. Throughout the year, we had the privilege of hosting numerous events that were sponsored by companies such as yours, assisting graduate students in building professional skills, network, and more. This past year 200+ members attended our events, from over 800 who receive our weekly digest. We expect a similar level of participation and enthusiasm in the upcoming year.      


We held several events for career path exploration and professional development, including  the tri-annual GradSWE mixer with faculty, post-docs, and professionals, salary negotiating workshops, and a panel discussing life after graduate school. This year, we aim to form and expand our involvement with industry professionals to provide more networking opportunities for female graduate engineering students with engineers outside of the university.


We enjoy a high-level of connection with our local community through various outreach programs. With Girl Scouts, we held activities for designing and testing a rubber band powered boat, designing their own robots, and programming lego mindstorm robots.  Together with Peace Neighborhood Center, we ran various tutoring and engineering activities for middle and high school students. In the upcoming year, we intend to further develop our involvements with these organizations, as well as expand into our Liberia SWE initiative. Liberia SWE (L-SWE) is part of our vision for a global support network for women engineers. Through both our local and international programs, we hope to continue being a positive force for women.


There are many exciting ways to support GradSWE. GradSWE hosts both professional and social events, all of which benefit from external funding. We encourage you to learn more about some of the events and activities we host (listed) below. From our annual welcome dinner and end-of-the-year banquet, to the women in tech mixer and company info-sessions, all these events are made possible through the support from groups like your organization. In addition, our members also benefit from travel grants for attending the national SWE conference. Aside from supporting specific events and activities, we also appreciate contributions towards general operations in GradSWE. Your contributions allow us to support and promote graduate women in engineering in both the short and long term.


We value the interaction we have with your company and we hope to build a lasting relationship with our organizations. To learn more about GradSWE, please visit our website at You can contact us at the email addresses below if you have further questions.


Thank you again for your support! We look forward to working with you soon.




Erin Evke, Kathleen Chou



Connie Lee

External Relations Officer




General Sponsorship

Any general sponsorships are greatly appreciated by the GradSWE. These give us the capability to start new events and initiatives. If your organization is interested in supporting GradSWE for an event not listed below, please contact us and we would be very willing to work with you to develop these new opportunities!

SWE Conference: WE19

  • SWE National Conference (WE19)

  • Time Frame:  Nov. 7-9, Anaheim, CA

  • Description:  The annual national SWE conference, one of the largest gatherings of women engineers and scientists in the country. As graduate students, many of our members conduct research that may be presented at the conference. This event not only encourages the sharing of scientific findings but also promotes connections between fellow women in science. Usually, the largest obstacles to attending the annual conference lies with travel costs. GradSWE strives to support all members who wish to attend the conference, and this is achievable with assistance from your organization.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  Varies, cost of flight/board or partial coverage

  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Travel grants, subsidies, conference attendance fee

Welcome Dinner

  • Welcome Dinner

  • Time Frame:  September

  • Description:  The welcome dinner is a gathering of food and members to celebrate the start of a new academic year as well as the joining of new members. This is a highly attended event with over 100 members interested.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $500-$1,000

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Catering and supplies

Corporate Hosted Workshops

  • Corporate Hosted Workshops

  • Time Frame:  All year

  • Description:  A skill sharing session held by representatives from your company in professional or technical skills (i.e., what recruiters look for in an interview, mastering computer programming languages, negotiating your salary, etc). A great way to increase company visibility while keeping interactions between members and representatives productive and informative.


  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  Varies, around $300 base fee, not including necessary workshop materials

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Speaker, Catering, Presentation/Workshop

 Professional   Development  Seminars for Grad   Students 

Fall and Winter Semesters
  • Professional Development Seminars for Graduate Students

  • Time Frame:  Fall and winter semesters

  • Description:  We aim to equip our members with the skills necessary to thrive in professional settings. This is an event that is hosted and organized by GradSWE for enrichment of our members. Usually, a speaker is invited to impart his/her knowledge.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $200+

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Speaker, Catering

Women in Tech Mixer

Fall and/or Winter Semesters
  • Women in Tech Mixer

  • Time Frame:  Fall and/or winter semesters

  • Description:  The Women in Tech Mixer aims to bring working women in technology to meet our members. Historically, this event is highly attended and results in a wonderful networking between industry-wise women engineers and the graduate students who aspire to join (or are interested in) industry post graduation. This event is aimed as both a networking and a fundraising event for future GradSWE-industry operations.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $200-$400

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Speaker, Catering

Holiday Parties

Major Holidays
  • Holiday Parties

  • Time Frame:  Major holidays

  • Description:  GradSWE plans to host a few holiday parties throughout this year, likely for Thanksgiving and other important holidays as many graduate students often remain on campus, busy with research or classwork. Contributions towards this event could uplift many members’ spirits through amazing food, activities, and more.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $100

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Catering

End of the Year Banquet

  • End of Year Banquet

  • Time Frame:  End of winter semester

  • Description:  A banquet to commemorate the end of the academic year. This is a wonderful event that brings members together and note various achievements.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  $300+

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Catering

End of the Year Banquet Awards

  • End of Year Banquet Awards

  • Time Frame:  End of winter semester

  • Description:  During the banquet listed above, scholarships will be awarded to key active members who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to GradSWE and high academic achievements.

  • Estimated Cost per Sponsor:  Varies

  • Sponsorship Opportunities:  Scholarship

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